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Fashion Photography: Laser flash. Модная фотография: лазерная вспышка (Karl Taylor)

Тема в разделе "Фото"

3300 руб
224 руб

Список участников складчины:

1. alex2506 2. ma0331 3. Лока__1990_ 4. Mariletters
  1. alex2506 Организатор складчин

    Fashion Photography: Laser flash. Модная фотография: лазерная вспышка (Karl Taylor)


    В этом необычном и запоминающемся образе Карл пробует новую технику смешивания лазерного освещения со вспышкой. В этом уроке он расскажет вам, как добиться идеальной экспозиции для каждого источника света, а также даст советы о том, как сделать снимок.
    Оригинальное описание:

    In this unusual and evocative image Karl tries a new technique of mixing laser lighting with flash. In this tutorial he guides you on achieving the perfect exposure for each light source and top tips for nailing the shot.

    To achieve eye-catching and creative images many might think it’s important to have the best lighting equipment available, grand sets or teams of assistants and stylists, but that isn’t always the case. In this photography shoot Karl makes use of an unusual combination of light sources, only one of which is a traditional studio light, a couple of balloons and his studio floor to produce an artistic fashion image. As always, his attention to detail, excellent lighting knowledge and creative thinking result in a perfectly balanced, yet highly unusual shot.

    In this photography class we cover the following:

    • How to effectively combine different light sources
    • Refraction of light
    • The progression and development of a shot
    • The subtle use of flash
    • How to achieve balance between your subject and light
    • Testing and identifying the correct exposure
    • How to control shadows
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