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[iPhone Photography School] iPhone Editing Academy (Emil Pakarklis)

Тема в разделе "Фото"

8600 руб
3117 руб

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1. Dr.Vatson 2. makakich 3. Krista Vassy
  1. Dr.Vatson Организатор складчин

    [iPhone Photography School] iPhone Editing Academy (Emil Pakarklis)

    iPhone Editing Academy.
    How To Use Photo Editing Apps To Make Ordinary Photos Look Spectacular

    The iPhone Camera Is Intentionally Set Up To Take Poor Photos

    But why would Apple do that?
    Well, it actually makes sense if you think about it…
    The iPhone camera has to work well with different light, different colors, different subjects and even different photography genres. It doesn’t know what kind of photo you’re trying to take.

    Since it has to work well in such different conditions, it gives you an average photo that’s most likely to work for many different purposes. And that works out just fine most of the times.
    But the iPhone camera will almost never give you amazing results without editing.

    Your Photos Will Never Look Perfect Directly From The Camera
    And it’s true whether you use your iPhone or an expensive DSLR camera.

    Introducing iPhone Editing Academy
    iPhone Editing Academy is an online course that reveals how to use photo editing apps to make ordinary photos look spectacular. It’s designed for both iPhone and iPad.
    You’ll find out how to use the most powerful photo editing apps to create beautiful high-quality photos. Even the most advanced features of these apps will no longer seem intimidating!
    The App Store itself will no longer be overwhelming. You’ll know which apps to use for editing each of your photos. And you’ll understand what each effect in these apps actually does.

    You’ll also develop a creative vision for your editing. You’ll know exactly how you want to edit your photos. And you’ll be able to turn the vision that you have in your mind into reality.
    You’ll be editing photos with confidence, knowing that the final results will always look great.
    So when you open your edits on a large screen (or when you print them to put them up on the wall), you’ll be just as happy as you were when you were looking at them on your iPhone.

    And you won’t be spending hours working on your images.
    The techniques that you’re about to discover are quick and relatively simple. But they’re also extremely powerful. So you’ll get extraordinary results without putting in hours of work.

    What’s Covered In iPhone Editing Academy?
    The short answer is EVERYTHING.
    Everything that improves the look and feel of your photos is covered in this course. I’ve spent years editing photos on my iPhone. This course covers all the techniques I use regularly.
    If you can do it on the iPhone, I’ve done it. And if it works well, it’s in this course.
    Here’s just a small sample of the things you’ll discover:
    • 7 simple sliders that will improve any photo you’ve ever taken (I call these sliders the backbone of photo editing because all my edits go through this quick process)
    • My favorite editing workflow for creating tack sharp, crystal clear photos every time
    • The hidden power of histogram (and how to interpret this simple graph to guide the editing process so you can avoid over-editing or under-editing your photos)
    • The worst photo editing mistakes (any one of these mistakes will ruin your photos)
    • The perspective secrets behind the best architecture photos (and how to create flawless geometry in your own iPhone photos – even if they were taken from the wrong angle)
    • How to “uncrop” your photos to expand them outside the frame of the original image
    • Step-by-step workflows for creating stunning landscape, portrait, architecture, sunset and black & white photos (this is how I edit my best photos with thousands of likes)
    • The Selective Adjust tool: how to apply your edits to only one color of the image
    • Simple technique to blur the background in portraits (and how you can make any person appear 10 years younger while still maintaining the natural look of their skin)
    • How to quickly pick the best techniques and style for editing each of your photos
    • Everything you need to know about masking (this advanced technique will forever change your photography as you’ll be able to apply any edits to specific areas only)
    • How to remove unwanted objects from your photos (it’s easier than you think)
    And best of all, this course will also help you bring new life to your old photos. If you have any old photos that are important to you, they’ll finally get the professional look they deserve!

    Free Bonus: Workflow Secrets To Save You Hours Of Editing
    Free Bonus: Secrets For Managing A Huge Photo Library
    Free Bonus: How To Preserve The Quality Of Your Photos

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