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[Udemy] Front end web development in Rust (Paris Liakos)

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию"

2390 руб
131 руб

Список участников складчины:

1. Dr.Vatson
  1. Dr.Vatson Организатор складчин

    [Udemy] Front end web development in Rust (Paris Liakos)


    [Udemy] Front end web development in Rust (Paris Liakos)
    • WebAssembly is a binary instruction format that most browsers support. It enables languages such as Rust, C, C++ Go, etc., to be compiled and run in a web browser.
    • The Rust programming language is the most frequently used language for developing WebAssembly applications, according to surveys.
    • And how could it not? It was voted as StackOverflow’s most loved programming language, seven years in a row, thus everyone is looking for an excuse to run it even inside browsers, where Javascript is the usually the common approach.
    • You have already spent a good amount of time developing web applications and you have a very good understanding of Rust.
    • You are wondering whether you can develop your next UI in Rust and ship it to browser via WASM.
    • You are looking for a resource that has all you need in a single place.
    • Well, look no further! In this course i will show you how to create a complex web app in Rust that consumes JSON APIs.
    We will use the Yew web framework along with wasm crates to build a UI with:
    - Authentication
    - Several different routes and pages
    - Forms for CRUD support
    - State management, custom hooks and reducers- Async requests via browser's fetch API

    Чему вы научитесь
    - Developing frontend components with Yew's virtual DOM
    - Becoming familiar with the Rust WebAssembly ecosystem
    - Interacting with browser and listening to events via wasm and websys
    - Communicating to web APIs for CRUD via an authorization layer

    - Good knowledge of Rust
    - Understanding of HTTP, REST, JSON, HTML and CSS
    - Experience with other frontend frameworks (React-like) will greatly help

    Для кого этот курс:
    - Experienced web developers evaluating Rust and WebAssembly for their next project
    - Rust developers who want to build a UI for their application in Rust

    Курс на английском языке.
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