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На короткое время в нашем  канале  рассказываем где достать редкие курсы


[vueschool.io] The Vue.js Master Class. ENG

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию"

3350 руб
183 руб

Список участников складчины:

1. Dr.Vatson 2. nalectsiyu
  1. Dr.Vatson Организатор складчин

    [vueschool.io] The Vue.js Master Class. ENG


    Об этом курсе
    В нашем Мастер-классе вы узнаете Vue.js, создав приложение реального мира. Вместе мы создадим полный форум с нуля, используя захватывающие технологии, которые будут взаимодействовать с Vue.

    Если вы устали от всесторонних обучающих программ или «суперкурсов» - это «научит вас всему, что нужно знать о Vue.js за 39 минут», но на самом деле только демонстрирует несколько концепций и не включает в себя, как строить реальное приложение с тем, что вы только что узнали, - мы считаем, что школа Vue будет восхитительна, как легкий бриз в жаркий летний день.

    Каждый урок написан по сценарию и тщательно пересматривается, а это значит, что видеоролики находятся на месте и шагают вправо!

    Форма выдачи материала
    Видео на английском языке.

    Мастер-класс Vue.js все еще находится в производстве, и цена возрастает по мере увеличения количества уроков. Мы ожидаем 150 - 200 уроков и более 10 часов профессионально обрезанного контента. Получите курс сегодня и сохраните кучу в нашем Раннем доступе.

    Какие уроки уже есть
    Getting Started
    What do I need?1:44
    Get started with the mighty Vue CLI 3:11
    Scaffold your project with Vue CLI 3:55
    Explore the Webpack template 3:34
    Automatic Code Review, Linting with ESLint 7:05

    Application Structure
    Structuring our data 6:25
    Import data source and show the conversations 3:57
    Vue.js with a Theme and Scoped CSS Styling 9:53

    Introducing the vue-router 6:42
    Components, Props and Computed Properties 11:31
    Router Links 2:32
    Organizing the Components 4:12
    Handling not found pages 2:28
    CSS Modules with Webpack 4:30

    Organizing the Application
    Tidy up a messy component 5:55
    Arrow Functions 2:11
    Let the discussion begin! 10:48
    Communicate between components 6:03
    Destructuring JavaScript Arrays and Objects 5:34
    Human Friendly Dates 5:53

    Forum Logic
    Base Components 4:25
    Global Base Components 5:54
    Organize threads in forums 5:43
    Forum Components 5:11
    Categories, Collections of Forums 7:28

    Vuex State Management
    Migrating to Vuex 5:27
    Creating Posts using Vuex 5:37
    The NavBar 2:39
    Grabbing the Authenticated User 2:14
    User Profile Page 5:24
    Utility to Count Object Properties 3:31
    JavaScript: By Reference vs By Value 3:22
    Update a User Profile 6:43
    Shared Page Components 3:00
    Use authId when Creating Posts 2:25

    Forum Threads
    Create New Threads 2:22
    Actions and Mutations 7:37
    Add the Route 2:29
    Redirect on Publish 2:10
    Use Route Params 1:35
    ThreadEditor 2:32
    Edit Threads 5:08
    Improve the ThreadEditor 3:38

    Forum Posts
    Editing Posts 7:30
    Conditionally display multiple elements with an invisible wrapper 1:33
    Post Editor Buttons 1:12
    Vue.js Custom Prop Validation 3:08
    Has the post been modified? 3:12

    Higher Order Functions
    What is a Higher Order Function? 4:33
    Creating Dynamic Vuex Getters using Higher Order Functions 5:17
    Create Vuex Mutations with Higher Order Functions 4:56
    Filter Array Elements to Count Unique Contributors 4:50
    Small Improvements Before the Firebase Chapter 1:18

    Firebase Real-Time Database
    Install Firebase Realtime Database 2:48
    Set up the Firebase Realtime Database 1:12
    Understanding the Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks 4:22
    Start Migrate Vuex to use Firebase Realtime Database 7:06
    Fetch Data from Firebase With Vuex Actions 3:40
    Reusable Vuex Actions and Mutations 3:51
    Vuex Actions that Fetches Multiple Items from Firebase 3:19
    Fetch Firebase Data Before Creating Component Instance 3:48
    Fetch Data for All Pages 5:12
    Clean up Components by Mapping our Vuex Actions 3:29
    Split Vuex Store into Multiple Files 2:40
    Fetch Data Before Creating the Vue Instance 2:13
    Store New Posts in Firebase with Vuex 3:58
    Store New Threads in Firebase with Vuex 4:31
    Counting Thread Contributors 1:49
    Updating posts in Firebase Realtime Database 1:41
    Update threads in Firebase Realtime Database 1:52

    Loading Indicators when Fetching Async Data
    Hide Content Until Data is Fully Loaded 2:01
    Share Logic Between Components with Mixins 5:26
    Display a Loading Indicator while Components Fetch Async Data 6:10
    Show a Cool Loading Spinner While Components Fetch Data 1:22
    Show a Progress Bar while Components Fetch Asynchronous Data 2:35

    Workflow Improvements
    The Firebase Tools (CLI) 2:54
    Create Custom NPM script To Seed Database 2:25
    Using Environment Variables in the Vue.js Webpack Template 3:28
    Using .env file in the Vue.js Webpack Template 4:42

    User Authentication
    Create the Registration Form 2:23
    Store new Users in the Database 3:08
    Implement Firebase Authentication 4:17
    Sign Users in When they Register 3:20
    Sign Users In and Out 5:17
    Dropdown Menus using Class Bindings 3:31
    Authenticate Users via 3rd Party Providers 5:40

    Vue Router Middlewares and Navigation Guards
    In Component Navigation Guards 7:04
    Componentless Routes with Navigation Guards 2:54
    Global Navigation Guards and Meta Fields 4:58
    Firebase Authentication and Navigation Guards 5:43
    Protecting Pages from Authenticated Users 2:17
    Redirect Users After Logging In to the Page they Tried to Visit 2:48
    Only Allow Authenticated Users to Create and Edit Posts 1:30
    Profile Page of Authenticated User 2:17
    Force Vue Router to Destroy Component to Trigger Lifecycle Hooks 5:14

    Modularise Vuex Store
    Split a Large Vuex Store Into Namespaced Modules 13:24
    Split a Large Vuex Store Into Namespaced Modules Part 2 8:17

    В складчину входят
    [vueschool.io] The Vue.js Master Class Мастер-класс Vue.js [ENG]
    The Vue.js Master Class.png [1m 242k 386]

    Actions and Mutations
    Actions and Mutations.png [1m 3k 587]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 37 Actions and Mutations - HD.mp4 [77m 699k 666]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 37 Actions and Mutations - HD.srt [9k 524]

    Add the Route
    Add the Route.png [904k 682]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 38 Add the Route - HD.mp4 [23m 928k 691]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 38 Add the Route - HD.srt [3k 98]

    Arrow Functions
    Arrow Functions.png [799k 659]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 16 Arrow Functions - HD.mp4 [14m 8k 53]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 16 Arrow Functions - HD.srt [2k 968]

    Authenticate Users via 3rd Party Providers
    Authenticate Users via 3rd Party Providers.png [929k 737]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 86 Authenticate Users via 3rd Party Providers - HD.mp4 [57m 886k 529]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 86 Authenticate Users via 3rd Party Providers - HD.srt [6k 768]

    Automatic Code Review, Linting with ESLint
    Automatic Code Review, Linting with ESLint.png [844k 661]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 5 Automatic Code Review, Linting with ESLint - HD.mp4 [56m 163k 200]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 5 Automatic Code Review, Linting with ESLint - HD.srt [12k 969]

    Base Components
    Base Components.png [815k 465]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 21 Base Components - HD.mp4 [42m 678k 241]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 21 Base Components - HD.srt [5k 452]

    Categories, Collections of Forums
    Categories, Collections of Forums.png [950k 421]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 25 Categories, Collections of Forums - HD.mp4 [69m 372k 509]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 25 Categories, Collections of Forums - HD.srt [7k 871]

    Clean up Components by Mapping our Vuex Actions
    Clean up Components by Mapping our Vuex Actions.png [801k 596]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 63 Clean up Components by Mapping our Vuex Actions - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 63 Clean up Components by Mapping our Vuex Actions - HD.srt [0]

    Close Dropdown on Click Outside
    Close Dropdown on Click Outside.png [834k 841]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 103 Close Dropdown on Click Outside - HD.mp4 [13m 219k 300]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 103 Close Dropdown on Click Outside - HD.srt [1k 792]

    Close Mobile Navbar on Scroll
    Close Mobile Navbar on Scroll.png [900k 342]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 105 Close Mobile Navbar on Scroll - HD.mp4 [21m 406k 969]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 105 Close Mobile Navbar on Scroll - HD.srt [2k 125]

    Communicate between components
    Communicate between components.png [858k 762]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 18 Communicate between components - HD.mp4 [56m 351k 460]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 18 Communicate between components - HD.srt [8k 580]

    Componentless Routes with Navigation Guards
    Componentless Routes with Navigation Guards.png [905k 63]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 88 Componentless Routes with Navigation Guards - HD.mp4 [23m 321k 594]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 88 Componentless Routes with Navigation Guards - HD.srt [4k 346]

    Components, Props and Computed Properties
    Components, Props and Computed Properties.png [821k 231]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 10 Components, Props and Computed Properties - HD.mp4 [101m 851k 998]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 10 Components, Props and Computed Properties - HD.srt [17k 247]

    Conditionally display multiple elements with an invisible wrapper
    Conditionally display multiple elements with an invisible wrapper.png [950k 236]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 45 Conditionally display multiple elements with an invisible wrapper - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 45 Conditionally display multiple elements with an invisible wrapper - HD.srt [0]

    Counting Thread Contributors
    Counting Thread Contributors.png [1m 47k 203]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 68 Counting Thread Contributors - HD.mp4 [17m 332k 937]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 68 Counting Thread Contributors - HD.srt [2k 821]

    Create Custom NPM script To Seed Database
    Create Custom NPM script To Seed Database.png [924k 173]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 77 Create Custom NPM script To Seed Database - HD.mp4 [16m 951k 678]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 77 Create Custom NPM script To Seed Database - HD.srt [3k 457]

    Create New Threads
    Create New Threads.png [1m 2k 820]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 36 Create New Threads - HD.mp4 [21m 345k 474]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 36 Create New Threads - HD.srt [3k 594]

    Create the Registration Form
    Create the Registration Form.png [947k 518]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 80 Create the Registration Form - HD.mp4 [25m 504k 755]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 80 Create the Registration Form - HD.srt [2k 801]

    Create Vuex Mutations with Higher Order Functions
    Create Vuex Mutations with Higher Order Functions.png [946k 611]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 51 Create Vuex Mutations with Higher Order Functions - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 51 Create Vuex Mutations with Higher Order Functions - HD.srt [0]

    Creating Dynamic Vuex Getters using Higher Order Functions
    Creating Dynamic Vuex Getters using Higher Order Functions.png [925k 944]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 50 Creating Dynamic Vuex Getters using Higher Order Functions - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 50 Creating Dynamic Vuex Getters using Higher Order Functions - HD.srt [0]

    Creating Posts using Vuex
    Creating Posts using Vuex.png [860k 572]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 27 Creating Posts using Vuex - HD.mp4 [48m 847k 876]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 27 Creating Posts using Vuex - HD.srt [6k 980]

    CSS Modules with Webpack
    CSS Modules with Webpack.png [888k 717]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 14 CSS Modules with Webpack - HD.mp4 [39m 958k 242]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 14 CSS Modules with Webpack - HD.srt [7k 643]

    Destructuring JavaScript Arrays and Objects
    Destructuring JavaScript Arrays and Objects.png [784k 7]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 19 Destructuring JavaScript Arrays and Objects - HD.mp4 [35m 962k 720]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 19 Destructuring JavaScript Arrays and Objects - HD.srt [7k 947]

    Display a Loading Indicator while Components Fetch Async Data
    Display a Loading Indicator while Components Fetch Async Data.png [679k 926]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 73 Display a Loading Indicator while Components Fetch Async Data - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 73 Display a Loading Indicator while Components Fetch Async Data - HD.srt [0]

    Dropdown Menus using Class Bindings
    Dropdown Menus using Class Bindings.png [836k 948]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 85 Dropdown Menus using Class Bindings - HD.mp4 [40m 496k 742]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 85 Dropdown Menus using Class Bindings - HD.srt [4k 759]

    Edit Threads
    Edit Threads.png [900k 33]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 42 Edit Threads - HD.mp4 [52m 195k 770]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 42 Edit Threads - HD.srt [6k 755]

    Editing Posts
    Editing Posts.png [901k 431]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 44 Editing Posts - HD.mp4 [65m 815k 841]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 44 Editing Posts - HD.srt [12k 96]

    Explore the Webpack template
    Explore the Webpack template.png [912k 439]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 4 Explore the Webpack template - HD.mp4 [26m 415k 423]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 4 Explore the Webpack template - HD.srt [6k 461]

    Extract Custom Vuelidate Validators to a Utility
    Extract Custom Vuelidate Validators to a Utility.png [1m 19k 576]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 101 Extract Custom Vuelidate Validators to a Utility - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 101 Extract Custom Vuelidate Validators to a Utility - HD.srt [0]

    Fetch Data Before Creating the Vue Instance
    Fetch Data Before Creating the Vue Instance.png [1m 4k 713]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 65 Fetch Data Before Creating the Vue Instance - HD.mp4 [20m 428k 840]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 65 Fetch Data Before Creating the Vue Instance - HD.srt [3k 571]

    Fetch Data for All Pages
    Fetch Data for All Pages.png [719k 611]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 62 Fetch Data for All Pages - HD.mp4 [51m 7k 596]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 62 Fetch Data for All Pages - HD.srt [6k 281]

    Fetch Data from Firebase With Vuex Actions
    Fetch Data from Firebase With Vuex Actions.png [1m 48k 92]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 58 Fetch Data from Firebase With Vuex Actions - HD.mp4 [39m 138k 188]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 58 Fetch Data from Firebase With Vuex Actions - HD.srt [4k 574]

    Fetch Firebase Data Before Creating Component Instance
    Fetch Firebase Data Before Creating Component Instance.png [963k 26]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 61 Fetch Firebase Data Before Creating Component Instance - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 61 Fetch Firebase Data Before Creating Component Instance - HD.srt [0]

    Filter Array Elements to Count Unique Contributors
    Filter Array Elements to Count Unique Contributors.png [877k 80]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 52 Filter Array Elements to Count Unique Contributors - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 52 Filter Array Elements to Count Unique Contributors - HD.srt [0]

    Firebase Authentication and Navigation Guards
    Firebase Authentication and Navigation Guards.png [898k 590]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 90 Firebase Authentication and Navigation Guards - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 90 Firebase Authentication and Navigation Guards - HD.srt [0]

    Force Vue Router to Destroy Component to Trigger Lifecycle Hooks
    Force Vue Router to Destroy Component to Trigger Lifecycle Hooks.png [1m 109k 514]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 95 Force Vue Router to Destroy Component to Trigger Lifecycle Hooks - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 95 Force Vue Router to Destroy Component to Trigger Lifecycle Hooks - HD.srt [0]

    Forum Components
    Forum Components.png [831k 849]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 24 Forum Components - HD.mp4 [49m 674k 482]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 24 Forum Components - HD.srt [6k 559]

    Get started with the mighty Vue CLI
    Get started with the mighty Vue CLI.png [882k 491]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 2 Get started with the mighty Vue CLI - HD.mp4 [30m 617k 93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 2 Get started with the mighty Vue CLI - HD.srt [5k 360]

    Global Base Components
    Global Base Components.png [1m 4k 722]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 22 Global Base Components - HD.mp4 [61m 592k 255]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 22 Global Base Components - HD.srt [8k 314]

    Global Navigation Guards and Meta Fields
    Global Navigation Guards and Meta Fields.png [882k 233]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 89 Global Navigation Guards and Meta Fields - HD.mp4 [42m 293k 716]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 89 Global Navigation Guards and Meta Fields - HD.srt [6k 861]

    Grabbing the Authenticated User
    Grabbing the Authenticated User.png [899k 854]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 29 Grabbing the Authenticated User - HD.mp4 [25m 358k 310]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 29 Grabbing the Authenticated User - HD.srt [2k 980]

    Handling not found pages
    Handling not found pages.png [730k 493]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 13 Handling not found pages - HD.mp4 [22m 487k 258]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 13 Handling not found pages - HD.srt [3k 858]

    Has the post been modified
    Has the post been modified.png [940k 111]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 48 Has the post been modified_ - HD.mp4 [33m 591k 982]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 48 Has the post been modified_ - HD.srt [5k 9]

    Hide Content Until Data is Fully Loaded
    Hide Content Until Data is Fully Loaded.png [893k 715]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 71 Hide Content Until Data is Fully Loaded - HD.mp4 [20m 583k 622]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 71 Hide Content Until Data is Fully Loaded - HD.srt [3k 129]

    Homework Validate All Forms
    Homework Validate All Forms.png [740k 268]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 102 Homework_ Validate All Forms - HD.mp4 [5m 549k 523]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 102 Homework_ Validate All Forms - HD.srt [1k 450]

    Human Friendly Dates
    Human Friendly Dates.png [898k 740]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 20 Human Friendly Dates - HD.mp4 [54m 967k 415]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 20 Human Friendly Dates - HD.srt [8k 502]

    Implement Firebase Authentication
    Implement Firebase Authentication.png [1m 217k 332]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 82 Implement Firebase Authentication - HD.mp4 [42m 359k 304]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 82 Implement Firebase Authentication - HD.srt [5k 491]

    Import data source and show the conversations
    Import data source and show the conversations.png [966k 23]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 7 Import data source and show the conversations - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 7 Import data source and show the conversations - HD.srt [0]

    Improve the ThreadEditor
    Improve the ThreadEditor.png [1m 41k 719]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 43 Improve the ThreadEditor - HD.mp4 [36m 649k 635]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 43 Improve the ThreadEditor - HD.srt [6k 85]

    In Component Navigation Guards
    In Component Navigation Guards.png [935k 295]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 87 In Component Navigation Guards - HD.mp4 [65m 498k 430]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 87 In Component Navigation Guards - HD.srt [10k 394]

    Install Firebase Realtime Database
    Install Firebase Realtime Database.png [1m 216k 758]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 55 Install Firebase Realtime Database - HD.mp4 [31m 648k 115]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 55 Install Firebase Realtime Database - HD.srt [4k 473]

    Install Vuelidate and Validate the Registration Form
    Install Vuelidate and Validate the Registration Form.png [848k 115]
    sources.txt [69]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 98 Install Vuelidate and Validate the Registration Form - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 98 Install Vuelidate and Validate the Registration Form - HD.srt [0]

    Introducing the vue-router
    Introducing the vue-router.png [857k 876]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 9 Introducing the vue-router - HD.mp4 [61m 341k 309]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 9 Introducing the vue-router - HD.srt [10k 312]

    JavaScript By Reference vs By Value
    JavaScript By Reference vs By Value.png [758k 942]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 32 JavaScript_ By Reference vs By Value - HD.mp4 [19m 18k 955]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 32 JavaScript_ By Reference vs By Value - HD.srt [5k 245]

    Let the discussion begin!
    Let the discussion begin!.png [826k 127]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 17 Let the discussion begin! - HD.mp4 [107m 823k 999]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 17 Let the discussion begin! - HD.srt [15k 662]

    Migrating to Vuex
    Migrating to Vuex.png [1m 134k 537]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 26 Migrating to Vuex - HD.mp4 [50m 599k 790]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 26 Migrating to Vuex - HD.srt [6k 893]

    Mobile Navbar
    Mobile Navbar.png [940k 142]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 104 Mobile Navbar - HD.mp4 [26m 653k 977]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 104 Mobile Navbar - HD.srt [2k 909]

    Only Allow Authenticated Users to Create and Edit Posts
    Only Allow Authenticated Users to Create and Edit Posts.png [1m 130k 405]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 93 Only Allow Authenticated Users to Create and Edit Posts - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 93 Only Allow Authenticated Users to Create and Edit Posts - HD.srt [0]

    Organize threads in forums
    Organize threads in forums.png [858k 71]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 23 Organize threads in forums - HD.mp4 [55m 251k 923]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 23 Organize threads in forums - HD.srt [6k 726]

    Organizing the Components
    Organizing the Components.png [883k 885]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 12 Organizing the Components - HD.mp4 [28m 936k 853]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 12 Organizing the Components - HD.srt [6k 975]

    Post Editor Buttons
    Post Editor Buttons.png [871k 132]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 46 Post Editor Buttons - HD.mp4 [17m 722k 849]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 46 Post Editor Buttons - HD.srt [1k 765]

    Profile Page of Authenticated User
    Profile Page of Authenticated User.png [988k 511]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 94 Profile Page of Authenticated User - HD.mp4 [23m 843k 774]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 94 Profile Page of Authenticated User - HD.srt [2k 926]

    Protecting Pages from Authenticated Users
    Protecting Pages from Authenticated Users.png [876k 893]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 91 Protecting Pages from Authenticated Users - HD.mp4 [22m 385k 104]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 91 Protecting Pages from Authenticated Users - HD.srt [3k 278]

    Redirect on Publish
    Redirect on Publish.png [826k 498]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 39 Redirect on Publish - HD.mp4 [21m 466k 533]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 39 Redirect on Publish - HD.srt [2k 766]

    Redirect Users After Logging In to the Page they Tried to Visit
    Redirect Users After Logging In to the Page they Tried to Visit.png [984k 349]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 92 Redirect Users After Logging In to the Page they Tried to Visit - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 92 Redirect Users After Logging In to the Page they Tried to Visit - HD.srt [0]

    Reusable Vuex Actions and Mutations
    Reusable Vuex Actions and Mutations.png [890k 810]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 59 Reusable Vuex Actions and Mutations - HD.mp4 [37m 194k 242]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 59 Reusable Vuex Actions and Mutations - HD.srt [5k 265]

    Router Links
    Router Links.png [892k 813]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 11 Router Links - HD.mp4 [28m 181k 363]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 11 Router Links - HD.srt [3k 881]

    Scaffold your project with Vue CLI
    Scaffold your project with Vue CLI.png [1m 188k 355]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 3 Scaffold your project with Vue CLI - HD.mp4 [36m 530k 74]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 3 Scaffold your project with Vue CLI - HD.srt [6k 503]

    Share Logic Between Components with Mixins
    Share Logic Between Components with Mixins.png [906k 163]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 72 Share Logic Between Components with Mixins - HD.mp4 [49m 854k 495]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 72 Share Logic Between Components with Mixins - HD.srt [8k 483]

    Shared Page Components
    Shared Page Components.png [830k 200]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 34 Shared Page Components - HD.mp4 [34m 608k 816]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 34 Shared Page Components - HD.srt [3k 796]

    Show a Cool Loading Spinner While Components Fetch Data
    Show a Cool Loading Spinner While Components Fetch Data.png [676k 529]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 74 Show a Cool Loading Spinner While Components Fetch Data - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 74 Show a Cool Loading Spinner While Components Fetch Data - HD.srt [0]

    Show a Progress Bar while Components Fetch Asynchronous Data
    Show a Progress Bar while Components Fetch Asynchronous Data.png [890k 620]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 75 Show a Progress Bar while Components Fetch Asynchronous Data - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 75 Show a Progress Bar while Components Fetch Asynchronous Data - HD.srt [0]

    Sign Users In and Out
    Sign Users In and Out.png [783k 337]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 84 Sign Users In and Out - HD.mp4 [55m 596k 194]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 84 Sign Users In and Out - HD.srt [5k 821]

    Sign Users in When they Register
    Sign Users in When they Register.png [839k 421]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 83 Sign Users in When they Register - HD.mp4 [38m 868k 799]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 83 Sign Users in When they Register - HD.srt [4k 342]

    Small Improvements Before the Firebase Chapter
    Small Improvements Before the Firebase Chapter.png [949k 17]
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 53 Small Improvements Before the Firebase Chapter - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 53 Small Improvements Before the Firebase Chapter - HD.srt [0]

    Split a Large Vuex Store Into Namespaced Modules
    sources.txt [93]
    Split a Large Vuex Store Into Namespaced Modules.png [1m 208k 101]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 96 Split a Large Vuex Store Into Namespaced Modules - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 96 Split a Large Vuex Store Into Namespaced Modules - HD.srt [0]

    Split a Large Vuex Store Into Namespaced Modules Part 2
    sources.txt [93]
    Split a Large Vuex Store Into Namespaced Modules Part 2.png [979k 943]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 97 Split a Large Vuex Store Into Namespaced Modules Part 2 - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 97 Split a Large Vuex Store Into Namespaced Modules Part 2 - HD.srt [0]

    Split Vuex Store into Multiple Files
    sources.txt [93]
    Split Vuex Store into Multiple Files.png [1m 30k 972]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 64 Split Vuex Store into Multiple Files - HD.mp4 [34m 895k 93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 64 Split Vuex Store into Multiple Files - HD.srt [3k 194]

    Start Migrate Vuex to use Firebase Realtime Database
    sources.txt [93]
    Start Migrate Vuex to use Firebase Realtime Database.png [986k 188]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 57 Start Migrate Vuex to use Firebase Realtime Database - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 57 Start Migrate Vuex to use Firebase Realtime Database - HD.srt [0]

    Store New Posts in Firebase with Vuex
    sources.txt [93]
    Store New Posts in Firebase with Vuex.png [1m 137k 844]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 66 Store New Posts in Firebase with Vuex - HD.mp4 [41m 744k 666]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 66 Store New Posts in Firebase with Vuex - HD.srt [5k 799]

    Store New Threads in Firebase with Vuex
    sources.txt [93]
    Store New Threads in Firebase with Vuex.png [1m 7k 131]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 67 Store New Threads in Firebase with Vuex - HD.mp4 [51m 948k 770]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 67 Store New Threads in Firebase with Vuex - HD.srt [7k 18]

    Store new Users in the Database
    sources.txt [93]
    Store new Users in the Database.png [809k 166]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 81 Store new Users in the Database - HD.mp4 [31m 305k 479]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 81 Store new Users in the Database - HD.srt [3k 407]

    Structuring our data
    Structuring our data.png [911k 894]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 6 Structuring our data - HD.mp4 [41m 525k 556]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 6 Structuring our data - HD.srt [10k 173]

    The Firebase Tools (CLI)
    sources.txt [93]
    The Firebase Tools (CLI).png [1m 129k 927]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 76 The Firebase Tools (CLI) - HD.mp4 [30m 169k 401]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 76 The Firebase Tools (CLI) - HD.srt [3k 815]

    The NavBar
    sources.txt [93]
    The NavBar.png [911k 886]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 28 The NavBar - HD.mp4 [31m 55k 246]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 28 The NavBar - HD.srt [3k 341]

    sources.txt [93]
    ThreadEditor.png [1m 35k 649]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 41 ThreadEditor - HD.mp4 [22m 130k 208]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 41 ThreadEditor - HD.srt [3k 381]

    Tidy up a messy component
    sources.txt [93]
    Tidy up a messy component.png [916k 405]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 15 Tidy up a messy component - HD.mp4 [55m 742k 43]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 15 Tidy up a messy component - HD.srt [8k 752]

    Understanding the Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks
    Understanding the Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks.png [888k 57]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 56 Understanding the Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks - HD.mp4 [32m 372k 122]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 56 Understanding the Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks - HD.srt [7k 209]

    Update a User Profile
    sources.txt [93]
    Update a User Profile.png [1m 3k 901]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 33 Update a User Profile - HD.mp4 [88m 546k 144]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 33 Update a User Profile - HD.srt [7k 535]

    Update threads in Firebase Realtime Database
    sources.txt [93]
    Update threads in Firebase Realtime Database.png [872k 271]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 70 Update threads in Firebase Realtime Database - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 70 Update threads in Firebase Realtime Database - HD.srt [0]

    Updating posts in Firebase Realtime Database
    sources.txt [93]
    Updating posts in Firebase Realtime Database.png [959k 208]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 69 Updating posts in Firebase Realtime Database - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 69 Updating posts in Firebase Realtime Database - HD.srt [0]

    Use authId when Creating Posts
    sources.txt [93]
    Use authId when Creating Posts.png [933k 72]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 35 Use authId when Creating Posts - HD.mp4 [41m 283k 745]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 35 Use authId when Creating Posts - HD.srt [2k 943]

    Use Route Params
    sources.txt [93]
    Use Route Params.png [816k 726]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 40 Use Route Params - HD.mp4 [14m 141k 274]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 40 Use Route Params - HD.srt [1k 951]

    User Profile Page
    sources.txt [93]
    User Profile Page.png [821k 669]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 30 User Profile Page - HD.mp4 [57m 950k 625]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 30 User Profile Page - HD.srt [6k 205]

    Using .env file in the Vue.js Webpack Template
    sources.txt [93]
    Using .env file in the Vue.js Webpack Template.png [778k 482]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 79 Using .env file in the Vue.js Webpack Template - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 79 Using .env file in the Vue.js Webpack Template - HD.srt [0]

    Using Environment Variables in the Vue.js Webpack Template
    sources.txt [93]
    Using Environment Variables in the Vue.js Webpack Template.png [897k 569]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 78 Using Environment Variables in the Vue.js Webpack Template - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 78 Using Environment Variables in the Vue.js Webpack Template - HD.srt [0]

    Utility to Count Object Properties
    sources.txt [93]
    Utility to Count Object Properties.png [907k 328]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 31 Utility to Count Object Properties - HD.mp4 [38m 837k 338]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 31 Utility to Count Object Properties - HD.srt [4k 486]

    Validate that an Input is An Image URL that Exists
    sources.txt [93]
    Validate that an Input is An Image URL that Exists.png [725k 996]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 100 Validate that an Input is An Image URL that Exists - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 100 Validate that an Input is An Image URL that Exists - HD.srt [0]

    Validate Unique Fields Asynchronously with Firebase
    sources.txt [93]
    Validate Unique Fields Asynchronously with Firebase.png [807k 6]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 99 Validate Unique Fields Asynchronously with Firebase - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 99 Validate Unique Fields Asynchronously with Firebase - HD.srt [0]

    Vue.js Custom Prop Validation
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 47 Vue.js Custom Prop Validation - HD.mp4 [37m 116k 746]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 47 Vue.js Custom Prop Validation - HD.srt [5k 13]
    Vue.js Custom Prop Validation.png [843k 112]

    Vue.js with a Theme and Scoped CSS Styling
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 8 Vue.js with a Theme and Scoped CSS Styling - HD.mp4 [111m 989k 477]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 8 Vue.js with a Theme and Scoped CSS Styling - HD.srt [15k 464]
    Vue.js with a Theme and Scoped CSS Styling.png [1m 147k 827]

    Vuex Actions that Fetches Multiple Items from Firebase
    sources.txt [93]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 60 Vuex Actions that Fetches Multiple Items from Firebase - HD.mp4 [0]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 60 Vuex Actions that Fetches Multiple Items from Firebase - HD.srt [0]
    Vuex Actions that Fetches Multiple Items from Firebase.png [942k 914]

    What do I need
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 1 What do I need_ - HD.mp4 [17m 693k 503]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 1 What do I need_ - HD.srt [3k 6]
    What do I need.png [1m 106k 219]

    What is a Higher Order Function
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 49 What is a Higher Order Function_ - HD.mp4 [29m 412k 214]
    Vue School - The Vue.js Master Class - 49 What is a Higher Order Function_ - HD.srt [7k 667]
    What is a Higher Order Function.png [814k 715]
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